I like the show, and have played it as background while cleaning the house etc. I immediately watched this reunion when it aired. However, here are a few things that they’d be best if not done:
1. There’s no genuine long lasting friendships among the actors. There’s just no sincere passion meeting up again. It’s all professional, no joy but try to arouse the audience by bringing tears in them.
2. They would be better if they really made a funny reunion about these characters when they’re mid age. Make that fun! That will really show the skills of the producers!
3. The relationships among the actors are just weird dynamics. Chandler and monica in real life divorced and have that awkward presence when sitting together. Monica and Rachel in real life don’t get along with Phoebe and you can tell the first two bond together against phoebe. It’s so cringe to see Lisa (phoebe) try to be nice to the other two and being brushed off.
This is what happens when you mesh real life actors life with screen life. It shows the imperfections. What they really should have done is to keep the screen life funny as before and just do one of those instead of bringing the real life discomfort into an intended closure.