You could definitely go ahead to buy and try this game. But, apparently, you could spend money much more wisely under this unprecedented economic downturn.
1. Storytelling is contrived and treacherous. Characters are ok to die. But, in this game, a bunch of characters died for nothing. And, it was weird that no one remembers their death anymore. Their death is neither for shaping the protagonist's personality nor for developing plots. There is no respect for death under any culture on this planet.
2. Game playing pace is dreadful and suffering. I spent 40% of my time playing someone I find difficult to connect to. I guess most of the players wouldn't feel related to this new role.
3. The essence of gaming is about building empathy with the character with gameplaying and storytelling. Obviously, this game does not meet this standard at all.
4. The promotion of this game is all about deceptive marketing, false advertisement, misleading message, and dishonest influencer content marketing. This is absolutely intolerable! This is absolutely illegal!