This show is fun to watch, if you can get past all the poor writing and inconsistencies. That's why I ultimately "dislike" it.
1) The writing is goofy and over dramatic, which only emphasizes the overacting by most of the cast. The love story is laughably dramatic - think daytime soaps.
2) The college is supposed to be a normal campus, but the magic wielding kids walk around doing magic in broad daylight and no one seems to notice. An adult man with no ties to campus waltzes into a dorm with no apparent security measures. Yeah, that happens a lot.
3) Characters know things about other characters they have no way of knowing. Like when Gramps knew that one of the werewolves could also do magic about two seconds after meeting her.
EVERYONE in this show drinks heavily. I get that college kids drink and sometimes drink a lot. But, these kids drink liquor like pros. Maybe that's another reason I watched the whole season? It makes me feel better about my own drinking habits? lol
As I said before, if you can watch this like you would watch cartoons (Wile E. Coyote gets smashed by falling anvils and boulders every episode but lives again and again), it is an entertaining show.