We’ve loved these characters for 7 years, you get to play as the antagonist often. The antagonist hurts people that we’ve cared about so for long. It’s all done in poor taste. There’s a theme present throughout the entire game. This theme attempts to justify everything that happens. It’s very subjective and why would you wanna play the bad guy when the stakes are so high. This game is a rollercoaster in the worst way possible. You can say “OH but your reaction is why this happened.” I disagree. The game is poorly written. You could’ve gave a 18 year old fan of the series the ability to pitch there idea for a story, but instead they pay their “ Experience“ writers to come up with a story that doesn’t do the last game justice. They took a shot in a new direction but miss the reason fans fell in love with the last game. After forcing myself through a terrible story, the climax fell flat. The theme shown throughout the game tries to justify this, but the ending falls flat. Save your money the game is trash. Anybody who loves the last game won’t find this one comparable.