Don't Watch This Series, no matter how tempted you may be.
The writers and/or producers ruined the series in the last two seasons.
The main character becomes a piece of garbage after the first couple of seasons, but you can ignore that, because the other characters are likable and compelling enough. However, starting with the ending of season 5, the series just continuously has anticlimactic narratives.
The riot fails, the remaining characters get sent to Maximum security (I assume this was probably the result of some sort of budget cut from Netflix, so they were unable to bring back many fan favorite characters, but it may have also been that they asked for too much money.) Then things progressively descend downhill. Red has dementia, and either due to poor writing or acting, the character just becomes disappointing. Pennsatucky kills herself, which alone ruined the series for me, since she was one of my favorites in the last season. Taystee never receives justice, and the only redeeming thing is she decides not to kill herself after Doggett does. They killed off Lorna's baby, ruined her marriage, and destroyed her mind; I had hoped to see her released at the end to go home with Vinnie and the baby. Maritza gets deported to Columbia.
My honest assessment is that someone took over the series, and decided to sabotage the series to maliciously ruin the hopes of the fans. Given a lot of political bias in season 7, I'm inclined to suspect it was partially done to subtly suggest that either the current political administration is mostly responsible and/or an attempt to shed light on the decades old corruption by making it over-the-top in the series; similar to the way The Jungle was a hugely exaggerated if not false propaganda work of fiction about food production safety.