Step one foot too close to a certain castle and it breaks so many side quests, you might as well start over. I usually rate the souls series and their dlc perfect 10 with the exception of Dark souls 2, which earned an 8.5. This dlc is a 6.7, with so many balance issues, navigation issues, quest issues, the game just comes off as an imitation of the base game with difficulty pushed up. The difficulty I do not mind, however at my level 228 with 10 scadus, I should not be getting one shot by anything, but ghostflame dragons and many other enemies feel cheap as they will take me out in one hit but not my summon or hostile npcs. The side quest in this dlc are set up so poorly, they will make you question if the souls formula we all love has been pure luck at this point. I expected so much more from a $40 expansion, and by that, I'm not talking about empty world space with a few mushrooms dotting the landscape. Unfortunately, that's what this dlc has in spades. The weapons, armor and spells are great, I'm sure no one is surprised, as it seems that's where the the team put most of their manpower into. Enemy variety can get dull with shadow dogs and nobles, but for the most part, the variety is pretty great. Many questions are left unanswered, but at this point, the issues have exhausted me too much to care.