This movie has a jumpscare factor that gives people a heart attack. The actors' facial expression, evil smile, intense stare and stuff like that can be really creepy and haunting. I couldn't sleep after watching this.But the special FX isn't that great. Lots of characterization makeup... A bit too obvious... The person doesn't look dead, more looking like wearing too much foundation.. and black contact lenses..This movie teaches that revenge does more damage than good. It makes me sad how not only the bad characters died, but also the good ones. If you are here to learn a moral lesson not to bully other people, then you've come to the right place
This is the Islamic version of 1976 Carrie.
Filmnya bikin kaget dan sakit jantungan... Ekspresi wajah pemain film nya bisa bikin ketakutan.. senyum jahat...tatapan mata intens, dan lain-lain. Aku gak bisa tidur setelah nonton film ini. Tapi banyak make-up special fx, terlalu kentara... gak kelihatan kayak mayat, tapi malah kayak pake make-up ketebelan...dan contact lens hantu. Film ini mengajarkan bahwa balas dendam itu lebih memiliki dampak negatif daripada positif. Aku sedih karena yang meninggal gak hanya yang jahat, tapi yang baik juga... kalau kau ingin mengambil pelajaran moral, seperti jangan mem-bully, ya film ini tepat untuk itu.
Ini Carrie versi Islam.... Carrie itu film amerika 1976