This was my first Mass Effect game so I don't have the bias blinding me most critics have. Well actually I started playing the the first one many years back and thought it was boring so I stopped. Been hearing it got better with 2 and 3. Which is interesting. The series is great not because of its first game but because of its sequels, yet Andromeda won't be given an equal chance to prove itself because gamers of today are too ADHD or nostalgic.
I had a blast playing this. Gameplay, combat system, was great. So many options, way to approach a situation. By far my favorite is a biotic with a sniper rifle.
Story was pretty interesting and unique once you get into the lore, understand what's happening. I enjoyed being an explorer, a pathfinder, for once, rather the the edgy Gary Stue soldier.
I like how Ryder's role is like the protector of the human colonies in Andromeda, always making sure they're okay, and does the same for the local race, the Angara. Jaal was an amazing character, btw. The dynamic among the crew, their development, was fun and natural. I grew fond of them along side Ryder. And his own evolution was interesting. Without spoiling anything, let's just say I found it unique.
Unlike the game's critics, I'm not lazy or suffer ADHD. I don't need a game to blow my mind immediately and swiftly from beginning cause I have to get to the next one on the pile. Although there was nothing boring about its beginning, unlike with ME 1.
The lore is rich and fascinating if you take the time to explore the world of Andromeda. I suggest taking the time to read things, talk to NPCs, adds to the the main story, explains a lot of things. Makes you question others. It's great.
I'm currently making another attempt at Mass Effect 1, and not being a giddy eyed fan boy I can say with confidence it's an inferior game to Andromeda. It is clear the series became beloved because of ME 2 and 3. Should Bioware stop being a little sissy quivering at every little mean thing this generation of toxic gamers say, then maybe it could give Andromeda the same chance: to develop upon its clear potential and learn from its mistakes and make a trilogy that will be equally beloved.