This is the worst book ever written. I love Harry Potter but this is awful. Rowling hired 2 strangers who had never even read the books to make this. Here are my reasons why this is the worst book.
Every character is a jerk. Harry abuses his son. His son is chosen for Slytherin after being so insecure and wanting to be a Gryffindor. Then, his son and his son's friend, Scorpius Malfoy, are repeatedly bullied by all the students. After a couple of years, his son finally feels at home in Slytherin so, guess what, Harry forces his son to go to Gryffindor because "you should know that you are a Gryffindor, not a Slytherin." To make matters worse, before doing all this, he says that he "wishes you were not my son" (referring to Albus who was being bullied) and later on forces Albus's friend (Scorpius Malfoy) to stop being friends with Albus because he is the son of Draco. To make matters worse, he threatens to close down Hogwarts!!!!!!!! This guy is not Harry. Harry loves Gryffindor. He also threatened Albus to not be near Scorpius or he would send McGonagall after them. Also, the time turners are perfectly fine now, and Cedric's dad hates Harry because he won't use one to bring Cedric back to life. Also, Albus is a brat and his brother is too. Dumbledore has changed character and this has to be set in the movie's universe because EVERY OTHER SCHOOL is completely different to the books. With the French girl school, beauxbatons, acting so differently. Also, there are zero 'cursed children' like it says in the title, which is a complete lie. All in all, worst book ever written and ruins the Harry Potter series for me even though it is so good.