“The movie adaptation of the iconic book “The Giver” is like a poor quality knock off, similar to Al Donalds.” - Jonathan
This movie is about an 18-year-old male named Jonas in a futuristic utopian society that is assigned the most mysterious yet highest honour role in the community, the Receiver of Memory. Overtime Jonas realizes that this community he’s in truly isn’t perfect at all but instead gets sidetracked by silly romantic occurances.
Despite the intriguing summary, this movie goes twenty times faster for actual plot points and instead highlights their own adaptations to the movie to create fan favourite moments of romance which overall takes away from the actual story itself. It truly feels like this movie was written only from a summary.
This movie fails to represent the characters in the story and doesn’t capture the pull of emotions you get when you read the book. In the end, The Giver Movie should stick to the bootleg sites and stay off Netflix.