Since the inception of the show, the story is only revolving around 2 villian that is sherlyn and Prithvi. But in the 2 years nothing came out. Neither there previous marriage, there cheap plans, janki accidant and her knowledge of knowing about there affair.
When the trp goes down the makers will show the leap and so on. But why don't the writers bring some new things. I mean first you give the clarity over the previous happenings and then probably a new drama can be bought up.
But as usual since this is a balaji show so obviously the story will keep on going for years and so on the leaps.
Please apart from the only storyline which is everytime preeta is picturised as a wrong character, change it. Now let the wrong person pay off and get caught.
Don't bring a long years seperation track or misunderstandings. Let Mahesh clear off all the things.