why-tf did kung lao have to....?? Loved the movie though and loved that they had so many iconic adaptations from the games! loved all their gear and costumes lol, except some of the little things about subzero uniform irritated me and that reptile was an actual reptile. Raiden could of looked better but honestly the movie was way better than I expected.
CGI and fight scenes were done well indeed , won't take that away from them , the gore and fatalities were awesome to watch , the different type of characters and their costumes were well put together , for the budget that they worked with their cgi tops most movies with out a doubt.
Good seeing sub zero in action most of the film <fav char>
They could have done better with the scripts , certain parts of the acting felt off , earth realm characters felt rushed , they could have easily made this a 3 hour long film to bring out its full execution and added more back stories for some characters in the film.
My best moment
Was the beginning and the ending fights , was hoping to see more of scorpion vs sub zero in the film , but the way they introduced them into it was good and their fights gave me goosebumps . NOTHING BEATS JAPANESE EXPRESSIONS : definitely gave me my anime vibe and sub zeros Chinese vibe was epic.