One hour and 55 minutes I can't get back. Its a film for feminists to get a hard on. Storyline in a nutshell, theres a couple that work in the same firm. The woman in the relationship receives a promotion which drives the man to insanity. Themes in the film include male fragility, toxic masculinity, woman empowerment in the relationship and workplace, and envy between couples. The man was completely derailed after his fiance received her promotion in the firm causing him to accuse her of infidelity to rise to the top. The film was just to depict men to be insecure and weak in their nature having him to cry at the end and being forced to say "I'm nothing" and for the woman to stand over him and demands him to wipe the blood off the floor and leave the house after slashing him with a knife after (yep, you guessed it) a rape incident (because apparently that's what all men do to feel in power again). Oh yeah, let's not ignore how majority of men in corporate leadership positions are just womanisers and sex driven. The films entire aim is to push feminism agenda. The film started off all right but it just went on and on to show that one sex is superior to the other. The storyline in this film is just completely out of touch with real world issues. Overall, don't watch this garbage.
Disclaimer: this is only a film review and not intended to downplay cases which may occur in reality. However, the nuances in the film to play it out like its the norm just really shows the intended message behind the film from miserable angry man hating feminist.