While an entertaining movie, it fell short in my opinion. The actual rescue of the interpreter only took about 20 minutes of run time, while the rescue scene of the solider was just bombarded with short clips of Ahmed struggling and then a gunfight and its over. I get the premise of the movie, but I think they spent too much time building up to the actual plot, and then not enough time highlighting the actual rescues itself.
Also, it never specifies what exact unit Jake Gyllenhal is, judging by the equipment, uniform, and facial hair, you'd have to assume he's some form of Special Forces. Those types of units have a pretty long reach as far as people they may know, so to show JG on the phone multiple times and him getting nowhere is a bit odd to me because those types of guys usually "know a guy who knows a guy".
Adding to the Special Forces theory, it's already established that the rescue story is legendary. It's also established that JG's friend in the movie knows the private security contractor. So once he's in the country, there really was no need for him to be incognito, especially if he was dealing with a QRF. I mean the guy even said that if he knew who he actually was, he would've done it for free.
All in all, not a terrible movie,. It was still entertaining to watch, but it could've been done better