The 2004 animated movie Shark Tale has been one of my favorite movies since I was a little kid, and it's still one of my favorite movies today. I really enjoy Shark Tale so much, and I honestly don't care what other people say about the movie no matter what and I honestly think Shark Tale is those kind of movies that are very interesting and unique to watch and has a really interesting and unique plot and has very interesting and unique characters as well🦈💗🦈💗🦈💗
I'm really proud to be a huge fan of Shark Tale, and honestly, in my own opinion and anybody else's own opinion, I think the designs for the fish characters as well as the designs for the shark characters and designs for the other sea creature characters are very adorable, especially the designs of Oscar, Lenny, Angie, Sykes, and Don Lino. I don't think it's creepy at all, and I really like their designs so much and I have a different taste in them because they're something unique. I don't care what other people say about the designs of the characters in the movie, and I think it's so adorable. I really do🦈💓🦈💓🦈💓
Also, I think the concept of Shark Tale is very interesting and unique too, and I honestly think it so awesome. The concept of an undersea version of a mafia that consists of sharks, killer whales, and swordfish are really outstanding, and an underwater version of a car wash where whales act as the vehicles and many employees who work there are many sea creatures in different species are really amazing. I honestly don't think the concept of the movie is strange at all, and I think it's something unique as well and I don't care what other people say about the concept of the movie too🦈💕🦈💕🦈💕
Oh, and by the way, since I'm a huge fan of Shark Tale and proud to be a huge fan of the movie, I root for the main character of the movie Oscar and I praise him so much, and I sympathize with him so much despite his flaws. Even though Oscar can be selfish and does make reckless and impulsive decisions, he's still a good person no matter what and I honestly think he's a very unique and interesting DreamWorks protagonist and he's really fun to watch. Oh, and I honestly felt bad for him when he got made fun of by his classmates, and his main motivation to become a somebody and get respect from others is relatable and sympathetic🦈💞🦈💞🦈💞
It was a good thing that Oscar realized his own mistakes and the error of his ways right after he realized the consequences of his great white lie and how much it hurt those he cared about so much, and all he had to do was let go of his insecurities, learn that he is his own person, and appreciate what he already had, and I'm really into characters who would learn from their mistakes and the error of their ways and I'm really into characters who have flaws such as Oscar rather than characters who are flawless. I really am, and I'm proud to be into characters who are flawed rather than flawless characters🦈💝🦈💝🦈💝