This Series would be much better if it was an animated show! Felt like I was in a Cartoon! In one of the initial fight scenes Helen is punched in the face, pounded face 1st into a desk and pushed face first into a wall and doesn’t have a scratch on her, Ridiculous! It is silly and immature! Too many of these Series originating from Great Britain always seem to have a political lean to them. I try to enjoy all of the series that I watch on Netflix or whatever other streaming service I turn to and I don’t care about the politics Right or Left! I definitely see why people either love this series or hate it! For myself I was disappointed for sure, and that’s too bad, I really was looking forward to watching this! Lastly , I definitely don’t care for either all of the Homosexual scenes or for that matter the Heterosexual scenes that no relevance to the plot. A No Go for Myself! A DAY OF THE JACKAL IS IN A DIFFERENT STRATOSPHERE COMPARED TO THIS, Matter of fact there’s no comparison! It’s really disappointing when you can have your remote control in one hand and fast forward when you are bored with this back and forth in time and you can tell you missed nothing! In the previews leading up to this I never had the feeling this series was promoting a certain ideological agenda and that makes that much more disappointing! In my opinion people giving this series high marks are sure seeing something I’m not! This was so copy cat! Is the character Sam trying to be the Gay James Bond, My name is Bond, James Bond!! NO YOUR NOT!! Welcome to the Minor Leagues, What a Shame