As with the actual teaching of Jesus, this film will not appeal to everyone (witness the above comments) and the 'good news' told here will be hated and dismissed as the pharasees dismissed the 'radical', Jesus. Everyone remembers the fish that swallowed Jonah but few that he was sent by God to save the evil sinners of Ninevah (the evil pagan Assyrians). Jonah was angered when they heard his message and turned to God. Lesson: God (not man) will decide who goes to heaven.
It seems amazing that the same book (collection of books), the Bible, is so easily used for so much good as well as so much evil. One man sees love and inclusion while the next finds none of that and only sees reasons to find fault and exclude.
The Bible is God's measuring stick by which he weighs our true worth. It offers us heaven or just enough rope to hang ourselves with.