It's a fantasy film from two of Michael Jackson's stalkers. So Jimmy steps in, to add a lawsuit against the Jackson Estate after watching Wade on TV say he had been abused. Then after watching this TV interview, Jimmy suddenly remembers he had been sexually abused. Wade's memories are constantly "evolving" as he explains in court, which means Wade is also stating there are some repressed memories. Jimmy also keeps changing his story. The judge caught them out committing perjury recently in court. Yet somehow the Michael Jackson haters translate this to mean they are telling the truth. Oh dear! The story repeatedly contradicts factual information throughout the film to the point where a viewer who believes it has to be on crack. Then, after Wade has the nerve to call Michael Jackson the n* word, then here refers to Michael Jackson as a slave because he was a black man is disgusting.That must have been a barrel of laughs for the racists watching.