I still think it is a great film, mostly down to the directing, the acting and the music score. It all merges brilliantly.
The film catches the wonderful, unique atmosphere of US backroads and the way they make you feel free, playing on that to allow the characters to develop into more and more likely rebels.
Some of the 'teach men a lesson' lines/scenes fall short of the otherwise believable and well acted lines and manners of the female leads, where you get the feeling Scott only did this to ensure the film was promoted and discussed as provocative.
But the way the film shows the vulnerabilities of the women yet also how they can react strongly when free and together, was very, very believable and why I feel most men would accept this film is just brilliant.
For me the stand out performances were those of Davis, Keitel and the actor playing Davis' husband. (Sorry, not remembering name!)
Incredibly good film.