This movie has some really good ideas about the evolution of this unknown virus and a really unique look at a zombie civilization being a more primitive and pure thing. The cast has some really impressive names although I'm surprised they didn't use their acting abilities more to really show the characters emotions, they have tried to make each character unique with their weapons and kit but don't really succeed because they don't let us get inside the characters heads. I think that the zombies also could have been used a lot more and the characters should have ran into more trouble than they did approaching the destination, they could have accomplished this by perhaps using different tribes of zombies, just because one turned was the alpha doesn't mean they all have to follow him . They could have made use of the shambler zombies and used them more like foot soldiers to the alpha. The other problem this movie has is the fact it's extremely predictable you can guess everything that's going to happen probably 10-15 minutes into the movie. The movie is probably worth a watch and if be open to watching a sequel although I'd like to see more character development and emotions with a little bit more of a secretive nature about the plot and what's about to happen in the action scenes.