Me and my niece started are evening off with the one and only Olive Garden! Endless soup and salad baby!!!! Filling belly’s with joy we decided to go to the movies. We then saw a looks to be low rated horror movie. Unfortunately it has lived up to the poor ratings. We walked in a little early so we sat outside the movie theater listening to my nieces new favorite genera of music. Let’s just say death metal is not my cup of tea. We then got ourselves some snacks and waited in the longest line to get us overpriced candy. Now we made are way to our seats when we realize someone had stole them. There pronouns shall not be named person, stole OUR SEATS!! It glared at us and got up very slowly and then started to mumble to itself that it doesn’t understand. Then it sat in someone else’s seat. As for the movie part a few jumps scares here and there. The actors not so great. My niece thought the monsters were low budget. She was also complaining about not being able to hear the movie because of someone snores next to her. The ending was boring. SPOILER: two people survived when everybody knows only one person should survive. And it should’ve been the dude not the girl her voice was annoying.
Anywho we walked out of the movie and were freezing only to encounter misters. Now my stomach hurts because I am lactose and tolerant and just had butter. Welp got to hit the toilet. 2 star!