Campaign and zombies set aside this is one of the worst games I have ever played everything about it feels rushed nothing in the game rewards skill and movement feels horrible compared to previous cod titles, if you feel like doing good in a match be prepared to go up against esports top 100 players.The graphics are another huge step back and all of the animations are very janky, the field upgrades feel useless they aren’t really game changing, every single gun sound really bad and none of the ars have any noticeable recoil that you have to control.Another big thing is that everyone’s movement speed is almost exactly the same so there is no penalty in using a shotguns over a knife and shotguns despite being a SECONDARY are the stronger than most primary's except the m16 which is no fun to get 1 bursted at almost any range. They made snipers un useable without attachments(unless you hardscope)