I am an avid science fiction reader, and I have just finished this book.
I think it is overrated, and I certainly didn't enjoy it as much as i thought I would.
Some reasons:
Characters are useless (excepting Da Shi) and most of the time I just couldn't feel attached to them. Too cold, too inhuman, sometimes too stupid. Maybe I'm too much of a latin guy to get the chinese vibes, who knows.
It seemed to me that the author was intentionally trying to get "science" everywhere and anyhow all over the book, and in some places it was unnecessary and even plainly wrong, as a very quick search on wikipedia could confirm.
The whole game part left a lot of questions open and although is was captivating at some points, it was mostly just frustrating because of the lack of coherence-explanations-sense.
All in all, it´s a book I would not recommend