This film is what True Art is.
Pure and natural and Ultimate ART. The story is simple, natural ne thrives on the very basi concept on which the whole universe revolves, ‘Hope’.
Human mind is so simple yet so entangling, there is a universe outside us and within us. “Some birds can never be caged, there feathers so shine”
We hope our whole lives, hope is what makes this world beautiful. This film, this piece of art shows this basic emotion and feeling in such a simplified but deep way that the person watching wants to come out of the physical aspects of life and want to expire ne the true inner self. Freedom, as portrayed in the movie doesn’t just conveys its meaning but makes us realise its true meaning, freedom is not just getting or being free, but experiencing the true joys, pains and thrills of life, and most importantly with the people and places where you feel them naturally, without any second thought. At the ending of the film I just thought that there cannot be nothing more beautiful than this, the world might as well cease to exist after that moment.
Another main aspect of this artistic piece, is the performance of the actors, which was not just professionally done, but spiritually, soulfully.
At the end when the two characters meet, is what life is all about.