Worth the wait. An awesome spectacle of a movie meant to be watched on a huge IMAX screen with heart thumping audio. In many ways, part 2 is better even than part 1. It is a complex interpretation of the messiah trope, with modern commentary on how religion gives hope to people in hardship. Paul is all too aware of how the path has been laid out before him, the pathway to power more or less assured if he plays his part right, but also that this comes from the historical preconditionining i.e. manipulation of people. In the end, the audience sees it is not a question of ends justifying the means; even sincerity can meld with destiny such that the future becomes inevitable.
Watch for stand out scenes like Paul and Chani's first "dance", the introduction of Feyd Rautha in fascist Geid Prime black and white, Paul's challenge to the Fremen elder council, and many more.