It was a really good drama. Solid plot. Although there were a few plot holes. The cinematics were also amazing. But may I just say that the acting was impeccable! The actor of Woon-Hyu just exceeded my expectations. He was INCREDIBLE! Ok-Taecyon also portrayed his character flawlessly. All in all I loved this drama. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't just entertainment. There were so many issues brought to light through this such as the impact of media on society and how it can be used negatively, the importance of time, the need for honesty and loyalty of people in the system because if you do the wrong thing like the chief did, you could ruin countless peoples' lives and the biggest lesson of them all, death. We learnt that death is always going to come. It's inevitable. So live your life to the fullest. Have fun. Be cringe. Be crazy. Don't care what other people think because just 4 weeks after you die, most people are gonna forget about you. Just have fun and be prepared for death all the time since you could die the very next moment. All of this may come crumbling down the very next moment. We don't know the future so don't be afraid to make the next move. Be bold. Be brave. Be happy.