It's a good game, it's free and it's online. When you start, you pick from four badass characters.
1. A fat booty Ninja girl with a samurai sword.
2. A beefy military guy with an AR, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, and RPG. (My favorite)
3. A chick with duel pistols with mind-blowing combos
4. A masked, funny, psycho with a shotgun on one hand, and an ax/sword/chainsaw(depends) on the other hand
When you pick, you go on a hunt for these thingies call relics with your party members. There are zombies all around the map that needs major teamwork to kill. Fight through them to get the relic, then protect the relic holder. You can upgrade your character's weapons, skills, and outfits. I love this game and I'm sure MOST people who played it do to. But there is also a good chunk of people who disliked the game.
Don't know why this game is so unpopular because it's a really good game for the few people who knew it existed. My guess is that it launched on the wrong game system at the wrong time. Nintendo was already hating on the Wii U at the time and because of that, the games on it wasn't doing so hot. I do hope they take the same route Mario kart 8 did and switch to the Nintendo switch and slap a deluxe on the end of it.