Honestly, I thought it would have potential.the trailer was the best part of this entire movie, but it was misleading. A lot of the scenes didn’t flow well, nor did the green screen go well. The tail was obviously hilarious as you can see how fake it is. Mako mermaid tails are WAY amazing and they should’ve used them for this movie. I hate that they made the mermaid so delicate and the falling in love breaks the spell thing wasn’t even used to save the mermaid. The end scene where the granddaaughters look at the grandma and yell was just like wow... they didn’t even try on this script. I did like that there was a wizard that performed the mermaid because that could’ve been interesting. The fortune teller having similar powers to the wizard was eh and the lion monkey man was just irrelevant. The little girl was annoying at best and her acting was second worst, first being the wizard. But the uncle leaving his niece with a (kind) stranger to go chase a woman he barely met because she left and jumped from a ship that was stuck? Stupid. Seriously, don’t watch this movie unless you’re under 5 or just want something’s to laugh at.