This show started with an absolute explosion of promise. The unlikeliest of events, the weird appointment of a public servant to lead the country out of turmoil and establish a semblance of law and order , an inner plot within to take control. What a saga, but unfortunately the writers attempted to cram into each episode far too much intrigue that the plot just wound itself into a tight ball and it just never recovered.
The cast generally do a pretty good job with a lot of awkward and at times just embarrasing scripts, but the guy playing the White House Press Secretary is just totally unbelievable.
The FBI content is a show within a show and deserves to be showcased, alas it too is conveluted and lost in a series of subplots that I found annoying.
The idea was brilliant, but writers just got in the way with a version of White House politics that just doesn't stand up. 6/10. Incidentally, I am an Australian and far far removed from American politics. We have quite enough of our lunatic politicians in our country.