Splendid show - rich characters, deeply engaging storylines, and some real history. Just all around great storytelling.
It is the primary function of art to make connections among people, so that we can feel others' feelings and experience their points of view. This is what makes community possible. As a straight white 74yo woman, I have been so involved in these stories of black women, gay women - hell, sporty women, haha - I feel my own experience of the human condition has expanded. When you have laughed and cried with someone, she is now a part of you.
I am sad to read the few comments from people who want to believe that these stories could not be true, that such things never happened. Do yourselves a favor and look up Maybelle Blair, who was a consultant on this show and who played in this league back in the day. She is 95 and still very full of beans, a great woman. She endorses the veracity of this show, and I'll take her word over your frightened denials any time.