It is refreshing to see a DC movie that has fun with the fantastical elements inherent to the property without taking itself too seriously. Aquaman was a truly enjoyable movie with a great cast of characters. Everyone did a fantastic job, especially Mamoa killing it as the perfect "Aquaman". He was truly born for making this character a true "badass". They accepted the hilarity inherent to the character and made it a plot point that sets him apart from his contemporary as a king who cares for life around him. Well done DC! This is the essence of comic book movies. They need to find the right balance for the DC universe characters. Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman had a perfect cast, but the story was too serious for the property. They tried to correct it with Justice League, but that movie was released too soon. Aquaman and Wonderwoman should have come out before Justice League to get people excited about these characters. Here is hoping Ben Affleck's Batman gets the proper movie treatment as well.