Rolling Stone had it right. This is a "blueprint" of the original animated Mulan. This had so much potential but was ruined. The important parts that made Mulan magical and alive were taken out.
Poor character development. I couldn't even finish the movie since I was so disappointed. Like Li Shang is some random dude here??? They made him look weak and out of place. He's supposed to be: the chief's son, in charge of the others, a leader, strong, smart, tall, and handsome. The studio even went as far as to remove the most famous scene of Mulan climbing up the pole with weights proving to others that she can do it (since nobody else could). This was a monumental scene where she receives respect from Li Shang and all the others.
NO MUSIC, NO MUSHU, no humor that wasn't forced, no love felt between characters, very forced empowerment, no magic or spark.
I'll say it again NO MUSHU AND NO MUSIC. Like who even decided this would be a good idea and why did nobody speak up about how bad of idea this was?
I hope they will make another and do the story of Mulan justice, like they did with Beauty and the Beast. Mulan has always been one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid. I loved the songs and cried laughing at Mushu's comments. They squashed all the magic and any emotions a viewer could have felt for the film.