This movie was rough. There's so much I could talk about. The movie seemed to just copy 80% of their plot and themes from movies such as Fast and Furious, James Bond, and Mission Impossible. It barely felt like a movie about Dinosaurs. The acting was atrocious at times, especially from the "Villain" of Biosyn. I didn't care about him and had no reason to. There's times where characters will leave one scene and just show up in the next scene with completely different individuals and no explanation as to how they got there. There's this lack of concern for the characters safety because you know none of them are going to die. And if one did, it would be a small minor character. The movie feels like it wants you to care about so many people, but I end up caring about none of them. You should care about the two parents, the two main characters of the originals, the child, the teacher, the scientist, the intern, the pilot. Everyone is trying to be a main character. It doesn't feel like a story about dinosaurs. It feels like they're just part of the background. You could take this plot and story, put it into mission impossible, and everything would be the same. Its rare for me to not like a movie in theaters, especially one thays high budget. But this one was very rough and corny.