In the time that I've taken to personally recommend every person in my life to go see this movie, I have only resorted to saying a singular phrase "You should go see it" whilst strongly insisting that it is worth their time. I go out of my way to not let my true feelings be known because, spoilers: I do not want them to get their hopes too high. If you have not seen this film yet, you should go see it.
There is not one movie out at this current time that is as important as Everything Everywhere All At Once. No piece of media has made me weep as openly and for as long as this movie has and it has truly and honestly changed the way that I see the world. The first rock scene is where I started crying and I did not stop until I got back into my car. I think what truly stuck with me is the wording that Waymond used to talk about his world view. No piece of media has ever truly captured my philosophy and view on life so succinctly and profoundly as this film. That feeling of sonder after leaving the theater was stronger than it is has ever been for me. This film has given me new understanding and appreciation for the world around me.
Everything Everywhere All At Once is a story about cycles, circles. It is absurdist vs nihilist, generational curses vs healing, depression vs life, kindness vs apathy, love vs hate. It's humor is inspiring and it's passion is surprising. It gives reverence and care equally to all of it's parts, one of the most genuinely inclusive things I've seen in a long time. It is the most important film ever, especially for the time in which it was released. It is the most profound movie I have ever seen and probably will ever see. It's all downhill from here and I'm okay with that. Please tell everyone you know to go see it.