I was excited to watch the movie because of the character Snake eyes..but the plot has so many holes in that the fighting and cinematography can't mask it..I kept trying to finish the movie but was so disappointed that I needed to watch it in pieces.. I just finished it 2 mins ago and was left with more questions then answers.
Spoiler questions
How can a whole ninja fortress empty out and not have guards to protect the most precious item?
How come the whole find the button is so easy .. atleast figuring out how to open the tessaract wall was slightly more challenging
How come thier was no additional tracking since it was removed.
How come ninja chick I forget her name went from hating him to loving him so quick. It was wierd seeing her putting herself in jeopardy so many times after being so suspicious of him and being proved right.
Tokyo you were so wasted as the Baroness!!
More questions but tired of writing