I LOVED THIS MOVIE!!! I have watched and enjoyed the entire Ip Man series several times alone, and now my son has started to enjoy them. They have all been wonderful and inspiring in their own ways. Each has shown a very specific time and place and not only showing this man with his complete and dominating abilities, but also everything he and his people have had to overcome. I know every ethnicity has had their fair share of oppression at some point in history and I really think it is something that should be explained in a way that shows how horrible humans can be but also that if you have faith and discipline whether it's religious, familial, or a martial discipline like Master Ip you can overcome great adversity. This great man trained his mind and body and pulled his family and community, even some from his home land that didn't even want his help through terrible experiences. I don't know about accuracy, but Donnie Yen has done the most amazing job making these films and portraying a man that inspires me with everything he does that seems like his natural day to day. I can't recommend these movies too much to anyone. Watch with your family, significant others, friends and enjoy a series of gut wrenching movies about dealing with bullies and human hatred at it's worst being conquered.