In a world where gaming is fixed upon a platform that bombards you with instantly gratifying but meaningless parlor tricks, this game is the first in a long time that opens you up to a world of exploration. It keeps a lot of familiar elements from the other Bethesda titles that we have all grown to love. The combat system is a huge improvement from its predecessor (Fallout) - with the exception of no V.A.T.S. The questlines are imaginative and deep and there is an overwhelming feeling you get when you are asked to make in game decisions. You will see a lot of negative reviews of this game and I think a lot of them revolve around the fact that this game isn't going to give you a cheap thrill. This is a game that invites you to be imaginative and build a character in an immersive world that is trying to break the mold of many cookie cutter games. I am about 60 hours in and I have been just as sucked in by this game as I have with Skyrim and Fallout.