I believe the EPA, CDC, and AIHA leave out a very important part of our communities. This book as well as others are written in a manner to only touch tenants and properties owners. What about homebuyers? Many believe the EPA states that mold testing is not necessary. Yet, the EPA, CDC, and the AIHA all use the word "most". Most is not the whole pie, yes, it is the largest portion but not all of it. Additionally, the book clearly indicates that the client and the Certified Professional should determine when testing is necessary. The EPA, CDC, and AIHA would do well for the community of home buyers to produce a publication that specifically targets that community. Surely, testing would be wise when purchasing a home, a property that the individual or family has only spent about an hour in before they own it. In many states, once you close it's your problem. Because this book clearly leaves out the homebuying community I give it four stars.