Animal Farm tells the story of farm animals who rebel against their oppressive human master in hope for a better life. The story seems simple at first, but as it unfolds, the plot thickens, becoming more intriguing and compelling with every chapter. Exploring corruption, manipulation, political recession, totalitarianism, and communism, George Orwell's allegorical novel manages to depict a whole era. Recreating the Soviet age in a seemingly playful, fabled world, Animal Farm makes for a great read with a stunning lesson—still relevant over 76 years after the novel's publishing. In a world where corruption and dictators are always on the horizon, the story is a must-read in order to educate people of the dangers of a naive and ignorant common-class. It is critical for anyone willing to help make a change in the political world and fight for freedom, and offers for a wonderful experience for casual readers and historians alike, as the novel holds much historical significance as well. On the whole, George Orwell's Animal Farm is a masterpiece with an amazing plot and ever-relevant lesson, and has undoubtedly earned its author a spot among the best authors of the 20th century.