Watched it because the trailer seemed interesting with the boat crashing into the beach, but I ended up fast forwarding through a few slow scenes (which there are many). I understand they were slowed for dramatic reveal of information, but it wasn't really needed in my opinion. If you want some background noise or you like doomsday thriller kind of movies, this one is for you. I feel like I need to go stock up on some water and canned food now after watching it.
My thoughts:
Julie Roberts' character is your classic suburban white lady. I found her quite annoying, with her instant paranoia and distrustfulness towards the ongoing situation and the other characters. The way she treats the other members of her family is like they are all idiots, but she just comes across as a stressed out, angry person who can't really process what is happening around her. The owner of the home, George, and his daughter provided a breather with their rational thoughts and calm demeanor whenever Julie Roberts' character began to freak out.
I kind of wanted more explanation to the ending, but maybe it's better to leave the outcomes to the audience' imagination.