Excuse me miss! I know its not funny but your perfume smells like your daddys got money. Now you slummin in the city with your fancy heels, you're looking for an urchin who can give you ideals.
Burr you disgust me.
Ah! so you've discussed me. I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me.
I've been reading common sense by Thomas Paine, some men say that I'm intense or I'm insane, you want a revolution? i want a revelation! so listen to my declaration.
We hold these truths to be self-evident! that all men are created equal!
and when i meet Thomas Jefferson? I'mma compel him to include women in the sequel, work!
Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now!
Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now!
History is happening in Manhattan and we just happen to be in
the greatest city in the world!
In the greatest city in the wooorrrllddd.