It's nothing like Rocky, I think Rocky promoted good will but I don't think this does between all races. Rocky got beat up by a black guy and he became friends , best friends with creed he promoted goodwill. I can see why Sylvester isnt in this movie . In this movie the black guy has to win everything he can't get beat up and I don't really think this is putting a forth a good message. I think Sylvester Stallone was far ahead of this in making a movie. This is the 1st creed I have watched. I didn't even know it was out and it's creed 3 . Rock even promoted good will with the Russians and made them look good in the end even though they started out as the bad guys. Mr. T the wrecking machine, he looked good in the end and had some good words to say. Rocky was sending a message to all. This movie is just showing that only the black guy can win.They had a semi white Mexican i think and he got beat up bad and went to hospital. The big battles between 2 black guys naturally the way this is written. They had a little white girl do something really awful to a black girl which is par for the course of this . Nothing like what Rocky was like or created in the rocky series. Creed was beloved as much as Rocky in the series of Rocky. The saddest part of the movie is when Creed died in Rocky, but it laid the ground work for this movie .