I watched the two part series on Yirrkala & Gapuwiyak and while very disappointed with the episodes realised that the presenter would have been given advise by people who some facts about Yolngu people that are if you know what is accepted as the truth are very wrong.
[1] All Yolngu people do not share the mine royalties, only two clans share the $6m one getting the majority of the money ,the other one a little bit the other nearly 6000thou Yolngu miss out on the lot.
[2] Speaking to the senior land owners does not give a true picture of Yolngu life, go to a homeland and speak to some of the old and young people,not those who get the money for gravel pits,carbon credits etc.
[3] Gapuwiyak again speaking to a senior land owner with what appears to be one lot of houses on his homeland another lot in Gupuwiyak[no comment when a senior lady speaks about housing shortage in Gupuwiyak ?]
Not the only real story but have a read of "The Passion of Private White' and Homeland a video about a Yolngu homeland.