The tedious and murky story, coupled with an unclear antagonist, left me asking, “What is the point of all this?” The film wasn’t fun to watch, despite the attempts to inject moments of humor, because once again, Earth and humanity hang in the balance and this time it’s hinging on a linear rationale - a simple “if this, then that” argument. Good grief! I really expected more from this film.
There was a lot character development left on the cutting room floor, and I imagine if there were fewer characters to flesh out, a better structured story could have emerged.
For me, what holds the film at 3 stars instead of 2 is its acting. Overall, the cast did a really good job. There was a touching scene between Jolie and Lee that was well acted but poorly set up thanks to underdeveloped characters. I thought Robb Stark, I mean Richard Madden, did a fantastic job in his role, as did Gemma Chan. I enjoyed the trips through historical geography; the CGI creations of villages and cities on screen were exceptional.
Overall, it was a swing and miss but with only 2.5 hours to introduce an audience to 10 fresh faces and develop them within a complex story, I’m not at all surprised. I’ll watch it again, for sure, but with much fewer expectations and just go along for the dreary ride.