This is the 3rd time I've watched this movie since it came out and it's year's later. I'm glad it was very late at night and I was by myself. I'm in my elder years now and I cried throughout the movie, tears rolling down my face. No one was around so I was free to cry unobtrusively and get in touch with feelings still buried deep inside. It's not easy getting in touch with similar pain inside you of things you've tried to hide and forget all your life, but still effects you in the present, the here and now. But after the tears rolled down and the wonderful ending I felt much better. The beautiful resolution wasn't that way in my life, (I wasn't as strong as Antwone and didn't have the help he had) but still I felt kinship and happiness for him. As the Temptations would say, I'm glad he Didn't Let the Joneses Get Him Down (the Joneses of life).