I just finished my first playthrough of the game. Let me say this is one of the most fun experiences that holds up to this day. The combat and movement in this game feels smooth and addictive always making you go back for more. This combined with a stunning and interactive open world make inFAMOUS Second Son a game I’d recommend to any gamer.
Now if you’re looking for a lengthy story that develops all its characters fully you may be slightly disappointed as it does feel very rushed. Another thing is I found the different powers felt a little too similar aside from looks. One more year in the oven I feel like infamous second son could’ve been a masterpiece. Perhaps having specific enemies have weaknesses to certain powers as well as more variety in these powers and their moves could have elevated the gameplay even more than it already is. Focus on side characters in the way that suckerpunch did with Ghost of Tsushima would have made the story a lot more engaging.
Overall I think this is a brilliant game. It was a brilliant introduction to the inFAMOUS franchise and I would love to try the rest of them. It’s a shame that suckerpunch seem to be disinterested in bringing this series back to life as I think it has incredible potential.