First read on audio. Then, transcribed to electronic version. Now transcribed to electronic copy. Currently owned by Reade Bennett (Rejena Bennett). Initially published by Vanpires 2. Now transfered to Rejena Bennett. Order can now be filled by Seasos of Llore at 25 Glenbrook Rd., Ste. 445, Stamford, CT 06902. COST IS $20 per book. No longer available under Vampires 2 publication. Hardcopy available. All other titles can also be purchased at publishing company located in CT, address above. Final Choice cost, $25. Soaking the Yule Log, 500 page book, $85. SURVIVOR BOOK IS $21. PROSE/AUTOGRAPHED IS $8. Questions answered...inquire at CT address. Will autograph any publications desired. Thank you for your support!!!