First of all the pros:
- graphics, world, environment works flawless
- sounds almost good ( first time I heard a thunder I almost jumped from chair. it's horrific !)
And now... the cons:
- the lack of some difficulty setting is disturbing, since you are thrown in a world you know nothing about ...
- this is hilarious... the compass show only the NORTH ?! with just a little bit more programming the player could have a better bearing
- if you forgot an item inside your pants. shorts and you change the outfit, item is gone
- if you are spawned to island limits you are DEAD, no resources no nothing
- the health system is unnatural, after just a few hours you are STARVING ?! get real...
Overall is a promising game but in the current state is just a source of frustration and anger. The constant changing of the mechanics, the inhuman speed and resilience of zombies and what about those robots ?! seriously?! try not to increase the difficulty with cheap meanings.
I will still look for this game, since have a great potential, something like the cult series STALKER... maybe.