Dispite the review bombs, and dispite the opinions on the company that made the game, diablo 4 holds up as a well polished masterpiece of modern gaming. The story is strong, driven forth with the best character writing I have seen for this genre. The combat binds the iconic style of diablo 2, with cherry picked implements from diablo 3 to form something entirely new but very familiar. Enemies scale with you, and while that may at first seem frustrating it allows a balance to the power dynamic that eliminates all issues with cross play with friends and adds a complexity to the single player campaign s feel. This feels more like a doom eternal to doom 3 lebetof jump in function. The torment levels while look familiar at first, work entirely different. For the first time in diablo boss fights last more than 3 seconds, but that means no more having to do the story campaign on torment 4 because everyone is over powered. You have unlimited Respec s and plenty of skilll options. If you put thought into your skill tree, you will still feel powerful. The art style and music is a complete show stopper, delivering the strongest feel to the franchise yet.