Absolutely hidden gem, never did I think it was possible to capture such emotion in a film about a killer monkey, well I’m proud to say I’ve been proven wrong. With an amazing cast this movie wastes no time getting into the central idea of the film, which shows a side effect of human attachment although obviously exaggerated to make the movie enjoyable the message is no joke, it shows the darker side to human attachment and how it causes many people to do unspeakable things, just like our main antagonist Ella the monkey. Who might I say is a fascinating yet terrifying one, with looks so innocent but has a mind so ugly to quote Kanye “the prettiest people do the ugliest things” enough about Ella. The movie also has an enjoyable protagonist in the form of Alan following his journey through the film is no less then soul lifting, I found myself rooting for him which is rare in many modern films. My only gripe about this film would be the throwaway character geofs boss who adds absolutely nothing to the overall plot and the movie would be the exact same without him regardless I would give it a 9.